I didnt get to catch this one in the movies but the other night i found the time to make it a blockbuster night. first time i tried to watch it i fell asleep, not that it was boring i woke up too early that morning and was at it all day. so by 3am i was a wrap. luckily i rented it for 5 days, instead of 1, anyways the story is of a wrestler that was at the top of the todem pole in the 80's and climbed back down it within the next 20 yrs. it kinda of showed the realness of the sport i mean in a sense. i dont know if too much of what homeboy did in this movie still goes on in wrestling today, (sorry havent watched wrestling since hulk hogan went against andre the giant) but good movie though. i had heard somewhere that the movie was a low budget film, filmed on a budget of around $150,000. that wasnt true at all, my dude that is a director out in hollywood told me they actually paid mikey rouke (the main star of film) $5 million to star in it, so that right there puts them way out of budget. i guess everyone always wants to say they made something out of nothing. good flick though yall should check it out!!
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