Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Countdown to 2010
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A racially-tinged advertising decision has gone awry for the movie "Couples Retreat."
Marketers of the Vince Vaughn comedy, which stars four couples in a tropical paradise, removed black actors Faizon Love and Kali Hawk from the promotional poster used in the United Kingdom after the U.S. version used all four couples. In response to outrage over the move, a Universal spokesman said the altered poster aimed "to simplify the poster to actors who are most [recognizable] in international markets."
While Love and Hawk aren't generally as well known as the film's other six stars, it's still a questionable motive. As noted in a 2007 New York Times article, American films with black stars typically struggle in the overseas market. According to the article, Will Smith, the undisputed king of the American box office, ranks no better than twelfth when it comes to ticket sales internationally. Simply put, said industry watcher James Ulmer, "The international marketplace is still fairly racist."
However, there's good news for those who believe the removal of Love and Hawk from the UK poster was racist: Universal issued a statement regretting any offense it caused, and the studio has scrapped all plans to use the modified poster in other overseas markets.
Another Example
The below picture was on for the US market and in the Poland Market they replaced it with the second picture below
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Pat "So Lucky" Berry

If anyone needed a huge postfight bonus at UFC 104, it was Pat Barry. The heavyweight out of New Orleans, scored Knockout of the Night and Fight of the Night for his victory over Antoni Hardonk. That was good enough for $120,000. Good thing, Barry needed the infusion of cash in the worst way. He confirmed to MMAScrapsRadio that he was completely down on his luck before the fight, agreeing that he had little to eat in Los Angeles the week of the fight.
"I still had my apartment but if something would've happened and the fight had been canceled, I would've been evicted six days later."
Barry, 30, said he didn't even tell his trainer Duke Roufus for fear that he would think the fighter had the wrong motivation going into the fight. Barry said he didn't ask anyone for money including his mother:
"I could ask someone but then at the same time, how hard are you going to work for something if everytime you get in trouble somebody catches you? I did something to put myself in this position I have to work my way out of it.
Barry got his $120,000 bonus check last Tuesday. He couldn't believe it. When he went to deposit the check, his truck wouldn't start. Barry got a jump and hit the bank sporting a black eye and pink striped shorts.
"I go to the bank, I'm sweaty, I've got the black eye, I haven't shaven in two days, I'm strung out because I haven't slept, I have green circles under my eyes so I'm like 'Can I have a deposit slip mam?'. She gives it to me, I fill it out hand it to her. She looks at the deposit slip, then the check, then looks at me and says 'Excuse me I'll be right back.' Then a manager comes out, a guy in a suit and says 'What seems to be the problem?' I was like 'Well I have a black eye, that's the only problem I know this looks really ridiculous.' So he asks me for my ID, I hand him my license an he's like 'Your license says Pat Barry, but this check was written to Patrick Barry.' So I decided to be funny and tell him Pat Barry is in my trunk right now. He didnt laugh. So I told him take your time man do whatever you need to do because I have no where to go and my truck probably wont start when I go outside so you can just do whatever you need to do. An hour later he came back and everything was fine, the check was in my bank account."
Temper Trap "Sweet Disposition"
I'm really diggin this song right here!! saw the video about 4am at Ace 1's crib on MTV. thought is was amazing!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Waffel House in Japan has a new toy!!
it'll be here soon enough, one day your bestfriend might be of artifical inteligence!!
40 feet under the sea!!!

Now this shit looks fly as hell! its the Poseiden Undersea Hotel Resort in the Figi islands set to open in 2010. 15 stacks is all it cost a person for a week long stay. An elevator takes you down to the suite. But something about it reminds me of a scence outta the Jaws 3 movie. if yall dont know what i'm talking bout go watch it!!
Desiree Palmen

For each photo, the artist designs a new camouflage suit, which again and again has to be made with the greatest precision, or the illusive effect will not work. Ran accross it thought it was dope.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Friday, July 10, 2009
God bless you brother! i know we'll see you again.
Friday, July 3, 2009

i remember my parents picking me and my brother up from the sitters house, and when we got inside my mother tossed back a bag to the backseat of the 84 monte carlo. as any child is when given a gift, we were fucking excited lol , i mean just excited we were gettin something and it wasnt x mas or our birthdays. and when i saw the picture up above, both me and my brother went crazy. it was the 12 inch vinyl of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" album. shit was JAMMIN!! still is. went straight to the crib and listened begining to end. to this day, i got in my phone and listen to it when i ride or fly in the plane. just seeing the pic of that album cover brings back memories. i'm glad to have been around to experience the michael jackson phenomena in the 80's and 90's. there will ever be a star of his magnitude ever again. and regaurdless of what his personal life may have been, no one can deny that this man was a true musical genius. after hearing that he had passed, i didnt think much of it, thinking it was a rumor. but as soon as they interupted the t.v. with breaking news, i knew it was true. i couldn't believe the shit. still can't. but all good things come to an end, eventualy and even the brightest of stars will eventually fade to black. Thank you for the memories, inspiration, and the timeless music that i know will live forever mike. God bless you!!!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Monday, June 1, 2009
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Ace 1
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Monday, May 11, 2009

The summer time is when hollywood brings out the most action packed blockbusters of the whole year, most of the times. There are some movies coming out this summer that i really wanna watch and this was one of them. i never have been a star trek fan, actually i hated when the show would come out on t.v. and never had intrest for any of the movies till this one. part of my favorite part of goin to the movies is the previews and when i saw this one's preview it looked dope so i went. this movie went hard to me. special effects was bannas. story was koo. and i didnt have to watch a single episode ot the show or a previous move to know what was goin on. if you in to action flix check this one out.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Saturday, May 9, 2009
The Soloist

Monday, May 4, 2009
The Wrestler

I didnt get to catch this one in the movies but the other night i found the time to make it a blockbuster night. first time i tried to watch it i fell asleep, not that it was boring i woke up too early that morning and was at it all day. so by 3am i was a wrap. luckily i rented it for 5 days, instead of 1, anyways the story is of a wrestler that was at the top of the todem pole in the 80's and climbed back down it within the next 20 yrs. it kinda of showed the realness of the sport i mean in a sense. i dont know if too much of what homeboy did in this movie still goes on in wrestling today, (sorry havent watched wrestling since hulk hogan went against andre the giant) but good movie though. i had heard somewhere that the movie was a low budget film, filmed on a budget of around $150,000. that wasnt true at all, my dude that is a director out in hollywood told me they actually paid mikey rouke (the main star of film) $5 million to star in it, so that right there puts them way out of budget. i guess everyone always wants to say they made something out of nothing. good flick though yall should check it out!!
True or False...What you think?
You cant belive everything you read or see, not only on the net or any kind of publication at that,but some of this shit seems to make sense. i have a son, and the thought of how the future can be for him is scary. i mean look at how its getting right now for us. so jus imagine how it'll be 40 or 50 years from now. i dont consider myself a conspiracy theroist, but i do somethimes read crazy shit for entertainment purposes, but its a trip how a lot of this does make sense. i guess all i can do is inform people around me wether its true or false. God Bless us!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
Damn Pigs!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009

Thursday, March 12, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Designer Babies


Tuesday, March 3, 2009
McDonald's Meltdown

FORT PIERCE, Fla. - Authorities say a Florida woman called 911 three times after McDonald's employees told her they were out of Chicken McNuggets.
A police report says 27-year-old Fort Pierce resident Latreasa L. Goodman told authorities she paid for a 10-piece last week but was later informed the restaurant had run out.
She says she was refused a refund and told all sales were final. A cashier told police she offered Goodman a larger portion of different food for the same price, but Goodman became irate.
911 charge. A current phone listing for Goodman couldn't be found.
A McDonald's spokesman says Goodman should have been given a refund, and she's being sent a gift card for a free meal.
Check out the video below
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
P.O.V of radio interview at KISS FM in Los Angeles

"The Future"


Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
Buck Mascot Gets BUCKED UP
Now, normally, this is where the story would end. Applause, children's laughter, maybe a little worm dance at center court. But not so fast. This is the fragile Bucks were talking about here — naturally, Bango suffered a torn ACL in his right knee and will undergo surgery in late March.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Chris and Rihanna
Above are pictures of Chris and Rihanna before everything went down, and below is a released statment from brown eairler today
Chris Brown says he is seeking counseling from loved ones and family members and is "sorry and saddened" by what happened in a case involving accusations of a criminal threat against a woman last week after a pre-Grammy party. Police have not confirmed the ID of the woman, but Brown was spotted leaving the party with girlfriend Rihanna. While he does not elaborate, Brown also says much of what is being reported about the incident is untrue.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Michael Phelps olympic Pipe dream?
World record holder for the most gold even won at the olympics, Michael Phelps has been the american dream that has saved the sport of swimming. Since the last olympics his name has been in the mouths of many people from the last President of the U.S.A. to the likes of Ludacris , Yung Jeezy and lil Wayne. Now things have changed just slightly with this above picture being leeked out of a british tabloid the world is passing judgement on this 23 year old swimmer.
So what do you think, still an olympic hero or a hero hoax cast ur vote now on how sidebar now and let ur voice be heard.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
1 Step Behind Him
If you don't already know from my last post on this matter I'm in the search for the cookie monster that deleted all my songs,
Today is a good day because with the help from an unknown source we are one step to catching the cookie monster,
Apparently after he fleed the studio after deleting my tracks he's been on the grind tryin to get some money to leave the city before we find him, so please if u see these shoes do not buy them I REPEAT DO NOT BUY THEM, you would only be aiding the efforts of the monster,
If you see the cookie monster please send info to claim your reward
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Do you love Obama's speeches? I'm sure Obama loves Jon Favreau

Jon Favreau, 27, is, as Obama himself puts it, the president’s mind reader. He is the youngest chief speechwriter on record in the White House, and, despite such youth, was at the centre of discussions of the content of today’s speech, one which has so much riding on it.
For a politician whose rise to prominence was largely built upon his powers as an orator, Obama is well versed in the arts of speech-making. But today’s effort will tower over all previous ones.
It is not just that Obama has set an extremely high bar by invoking the inaugural speeches of Abraham Lincoln as his inspiration - admitting to feeling “intimidated” when he read them. It is also that, as he begins his term with the US in an economic crisis and two wars, he knows he needs to kick start his presidency with a soaring rhetoric that both moves and motivates the American people.
The tone of the speech could be decisive in determining how the public responds to his first 100 days, as Franklin Roosevelt’s famous line “the only thing we have to fear is fear itself” helped to determine his.
Obama aides have let it be known that a key theme will be restoring responsibility - both in terms of accountability in Washington and the responsibility of ordinary people to get involved. Rahm Emanuel, Obama’s chief of staff, talks of a “culture of responsibility” that would “not just be asked of the American people; its leaders must also lead by example.”
In composing the high notes of the speech, Obama has leant on Favreau, whom he discovered almost by chance four years ago when the younger man was working on John Kerry’s failed presidential bid. “Favs” has since studied Obama’s speech patterns and cadences with the intensity of a stalker. He memorised the 2004 speech to the Democratic national convention which first brought Obama into the limelight. He is said to carry Obama’s autobiography, Dreams From My Father, wherever he goes. As a result, last November when Favreau sat down to write the first draft of the inaugural address, he could conjure up his master’s voice as if an accomplished impersonator.
That skill had been put to almost daily use in the 18 months of brutal campaigning on the presidential trail. Favreau would be up most nights until 3am, honing the next day’s stump speeches in a caffeine haze of espressos and Red Bull energy drinks, taking breaks to play the video game Rock Band. He coined a phrase for this late-night deadline surfing: “crashing”.
He crashed his way through all Obama’s most memorable speeches. He wrote the draft of one that helped to turn Iowa for Obama while closeted in a coffee shop in Des Moines. For the presidential election, he wrote two speeches: one for a victory, one for defeat. When the result came through, he emailed his best friend: “Dude, we won. Oh my God.”
The tension between such youthful outbursts and his onerous role has sometimes cost the 27-year-old. In December, pictures of him and a friend mocking a cardboard cut-out of Hillary Clinton at a party, Favreau’s hand on her breast, were posted on Facebook to his huge embarrassment.
Obama is an accomplished writer in his own right, and the process of drafting with his mind reader is collaborative. The inaugural speech has shuttled between them four or five times, following an initial hour-long meeting in which the president-elect spoke about his vision for the address, and Favreau took notes on his computer.
Favreau then went away and spent weeks on research. His team interviewed historians and speech writers, studied periods of crisis, and listened to past inaugural orations. When ready, he took up residence in Starbucks in Washington and wrote the first draft. The end result will be uttered on the steps of the Capitol.
Obama’s mind reader has crashed his way through yet another deadline.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
History in The Making
I wanted a second to chime in, and let my voice be heard, for those of you that read this blog everyday or might not, my name is Solo,
As a contributor to this blog ,and this place of U.S.A , today is a good day, as I watch cnn with video of our 44th president and chants thru the screen of change is here, I reflect that its not just a good day as a black male for me in the world, but as an american living in this world.
What happen today, what's going on as I type this message, as I began to form the words to describe what's really going on a text message pops up on the sidekick from jay " History in the Making". No need for me to say more,
As a kid growing up, I wanted to be a cop, a teacher, a basketball player, a band major, a rapper, a lawyer, but never once did President pop into my mind. It might be too late for me, but for the children of this world the glass has been broken, not through kicking and screaming but by living right and doing good for urself and the next man.
Today might not be the end of everything bad in the world, but when today is the day when a little boy or girl now wants to be the best they can be, its the start of a lot of good.
"....For the world has changed and we must change with it" - Barack Obama 1/20/09