Monday, May 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ace 1

I drew this pic of my boy ace 1 that produced hypnotized and money. I was bored waiting on him to finish his beer. Want me to draw or paint you hit me up. Its $10k a pic. Or if I'm bored and next to ya its free!
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Monday, May 11, 2009


The summer time is when hollywood brings out the most action packed blockbusters of the whole year, most of the times. There are some movies coming out this summer that i really wanna watch and this was one of them. i never have been a star trek fan, actually i hated when the show would come out on t.v. and never had intrest for any of the movies till this one. part of my favorite part of goin to the movies is the previews and when i saw this one's preview it looked dope so i went. this movie went hard to me. special effects was bannas. story was koo. and i didnt have to watch a single episode ot the show or a previous move to know what was goin on. if you in to action flix check this one out.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Happy mothers day

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Soloist

Wow, let me start by saying this i like both of these dudes, i think they are very talented actors. but i cant say i enjoyed this one right here. it was pretty slow, and i kept waiting for something to happen to pull me into the movie but it never did. funny thing is the other night a patna of a patna is goin off how this movie was great and this might be jamie foxx's best performance. i'm by no means a movie critic, but theres no way i saw the same movie home boy was talking about! this shit was wack! he's part of the reason i came to see this movie and i couldn't wait for it to be over. im mean i've seen worse. it wasnt so bad i had to walk out like i did in"Alexander the Gay" but i thought it would be way better. i read this movie was actually supposed to be released like a year or two ago. maybe they were trying to make it more dramatic and entertaining. like i said i like both actors, jus didnt cut for the film. im sure its raking in alot of money, and at the end of the day thats what matters isnt it, regaurdless of what people think and say.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mexico's New Peso

My homie sent me this pic of the new look of the peso

The Wrestler

I didnt get to catch this one in the movies but the other night i found the time to make it a blockbuster night. first time i tried to watch it i fell asleep, not that it was boring i woke up too early that morning and was at it all day. so by 3am i was a wrap. luckily i rented it for 5 days, instead of 1, anyways the story is of a wrestler that was at the top of the todem pole in the 80's and climbed back down it within the next 20 yrs. it kinda of showed the realness of the sport i mean in a sense. i dont know if too much of what homeboy did in this movie still goes on in wrestling today, (sorry havent watched wrestling since hulk hogan went against andre the giant) but good movie though. i had heard somewhere that the movie was a low budget film, filmed on a budget of around $150,000. that wasnt true at all, my dude that is a director out in hollywood told me they actually paid mikey rouke (the main star of film) $5 million to star in it, so that right there puts them way out of budget. i guess everyone always wants to say they made something out of nothing. good flick though yall should check it out!!

True or False...What you think?

You cant belive everything you read or see, not only on the net or any kind of publication at that,but some of this shit seems to make sense. i have a son, and the thought of how the future can be for him is scary. i mean look at how its getting right now for us. so jus imagine how it'll be 40 or 50 years from now. i dont consider myself a conspiracy theroist, but i do somethimes read crazy shit for entertainment purposes, but its a trip how a lot of this does make sense. i guess all i can do is inform people around me wether its true or false. God Bless us!!!